Thursday, 12 March 2009

Bare-faced Lying!

Its strange how some people find the need to lie through everything; Its slightly more understandable when its a 'white lie', something that would not have affected anyone anyway, but there are people who lie even though they understand that the the person they are lying to knows the truth! they insist they are not lying, even through being found out.

I have been wandering what people like this get out of lying; it seems more of a addiction then anything else,they push their limits everytime they lie, its like an achievement that satisfies them.

When they do something 'wrong', they lie due to the fear of being punished, and if they are constantly doing 'wrong' this attitude results to them constantly lying. A lot of these people do not realise it or maybe would never admit it but suffer from sort sort of physiological disorder.

The sad thing is these people actually believe they are in control not only of their lies but their lives, it is anything but; their compulsive lying only results in them suffering from a sort of personality crisis whereby they have told so many lies they lose understanding of what is 'real'. Their life becomes a lie, they as people become fake, and without the help they need they eventually they end up very lonely...


  1. i agree with you totally i jut don't get how people can continue to lie when they have bben caught out. when children are learning they never actually think it is wrong to do that they actually know it is wrong they have been caught and next time are usually more sneaky so may get away with it. so if we as adults realise we have been caught just like the child why cant we admit it then evolve and next time tell better lies so we don't get caught, or better yet why don't we just act like adults and appologise. some people mut be believing their own lies not knowing what is truth and reality compared to the life of lies, like you said they think they are in control when really the lie has taken over. this is explicit bad behaviour but is misleading the same as lying? they both have the same effect especially to the person being lied to or mislead. why is it that anybody needs to lie at all even white lies when you say your friend's ass don't look big in that dress why ask the question if you don't want an honest response. is it that people crave to be lied to don't we like living in a dream world, isn't this why we watch soap's , t.v and films. isn't just as bad not lying to someone that wants to be lied to , andlying to someone that don't want to be lied to?

  2. I agree with you guys completely. The problem is though once you have lied successfully and got away with it then is develops inito a habit and people use it everyday whether they reliase it or not.
    I do not seem to understand why people find it difficult to apologise? They find it easier to lie than simply apologise..
